Yes, I know… My Joomla site is very old. In this article I will write down all my migration steps. The best practise is to create a development environment. I download and install a Debian 5.0 (lenny) OS and installed all the common LAMP, SSH, Samba, PHPMyadmin & ImageMagick packages. Then:
- I Copy the content of my site to my development environment
- Edit the joomla configuration.php file and change my physical paths
- Upload my database
- Check all my joomla modules
- set 777 permisions for easy testing 😉
- I know from earlier testing that mine Joomla template is not compatible with 1.5. So I download and install Artisteer 2 to create a new template. This software works so easy I created the template with my girlfriend 😉 (download torrent)
- My Biggest concern is the community builder component and the forum. This are the most important modules so I will upgrade them first.
- Backup administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php, remove the CB module and reinstall the latest versions. (note: latest CB have 1.5.10 native support)
- My Fireboard version is aleady to the latest version (1.0.5 RC2) 😀
- Now I will install the migrator tools and follow the 5 migration steps @
- I have installed the migrator and the fireboard ETL’s. After that I create A SQL Dump. Now I must create a new 1.5 install and import everything.
- Note: You can now download your SQL dump file and upload it into your Joomla! 1.5 installation to continue the process. Don’t forget to select migration and use the prefix ‘jos_’ (this migrator rewrites your prefix to jos_ even if the sites prefix is different).
- I found a small community builder howto @
- * Step 1: Export the Community Builder database tables from 1.0
* Step 2: Download administrator / components / com_profiler / ue_config.php
* Step 3: Install CB on the 1.5 site:
* Step 4: Delete the CBt database tables on 1.5 and import the old tables from 1.0
* Step 5: Upload the old ue_config.php to administrator / components / com_profiler / ue_config.php - For expose I can install the latest version. The copy the ../components/com_expose/expose/img and xml folders to the new site. That as very easy 🙂
- For the CB Profile pictures I copy images/comprofiler to the new site.
- .. to be continued
Template fix:
Extensions > Module manager > Top Menu (or any other menu, e.g. Main Menu) > click to Edit this module > select Position = user3. Save the configuration and go to the frontpage. You should see your Artisteer style applied to the menu items.
And first assign another default template and then your template