After you successfully installed a web or wildcard SSL certificate you must follow some extra steps.
- First download this zip with 2 SSL certificates
- Extract the zip e.g. C:\install\ssl
- Start > run > mmc > file> add/remove snap in > certificates > local computer >computer account > Intermediate Certification Authorities > right click certificates > import
Then disable the old certificate
- Expand Trusted Root Certification Authorities > certificates
- Locate this certificate:
Common Name – thawte Primary Root CA
Expiry Date – 17th July 2036
Thumbprint – 91 c6 d6 ee 3e 8a c8 63 84 e5 48 c2 99 29 5c 75 6c 81 7b 81
- disable it completely
When the SSL not exist, please follow this steps:
- Download this zip
- Install it here: Trusted Root Certification Authorities > certificates
- Disable the certificate
I used this website as source: