OpenElec XBMC Fix the splash screen ATI and NVidia

If your OpenELEC machine says “could not open framebuffer no such file or directory” when you turn it on, follow this to get the splash screen working.

The splash screen is much prettier than some plain text in the corner of the screen, so follow this to get your splash working.

You’ll need:

  • SSH access to your OpenELEC machine
  • Nano installed; for versions 0.7 and above, you’ll need to install the nano add-on from System > Addons > Get Addons > > Programs > nano and click install.

OK, let’s begin. Open an SSH session to your OpenELEC machine then at the prompt, type:

mount -o remount,rw /flash

This allows read/write access to the configuration file we need to access.

Next, type:

nano /flash/extlinux.conf

This will open up a terminal-based text editor called nano. It’s very easy to use, so move your cursor to the end of the following line:

APPEND boot=LABEL=System disk=LABEL=Storage quiet

and add the following text:



for ATI:


If you are using NVIDIA your line should read:

APPEND boot=LABEL=System disk=LABEL=Storage quiet vga=792

If you are using ATI your line should read:

APPEND boot=LABEL=System disk=LABEL=Storage quiet vga=0x323

Now, type [CTRL] and X to exit. You’ll be prompted to save the file – just hit [ENTER] to save the file.

You should be back at the prompt now, so just type exit to close the prompt


Reboot your OpenELEC box and you should now see the splash screen.

Author: Thomas Faddegon

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