The easiest way to stream audio to your XBMC is with the Apple protocol Airplay. Since XBMC Eden (version 11) it is possible to activate Airplay via: System/Settings -> Network -> Services -> enable AirPlay
- Linux/Ubuntu users will need to install avahi-daemon:
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon #(on Ubuntu)
- Mac OS X needs no additional set-up.
- Windows users will need to install Bonjour (if you have iTunes installed then you will already have Bonjour): http://support.apple.com/kb/dl999
If you have spotify and you want to sent a music stream to your XBMC you can use Airfoil for Windows and OSX ($25).
With I tunes you can switch to XBMC with the option in the right bottom:
With Iphone and Ipad you can use the “sent to” option since IOS version 4.