Stream music to XBMC via Airplay


The easiest way to stream audio to your XBMC is with the Apple protocol Airplay. Since XBMC Eden (version 11) it is possible to activate Airplay via: System/Settings -> Network -> Services  -> enable AirPlay


  • Linux/Ubuntu users will need to install avahi-daemon:
    sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon #(on Ubuntu)
  • Mac OS X needs no additional set-up.

If you have spotify and you want to sent a music stream to your XBMC you can use Airfoil for Windows and OSX ($25).

With I tunes you can switch to XBMC with the option in the right bottom:

With Iphone and Ipad you can use the “sent to”  option since IOS version 4.


Author: Thomas Faddegon

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