Install VMware Tools on Centos 6

This is a HOWTO for installing VMware Tools on Centos 6.x.

Update your system so the kernel headers/devel will match your system:

yum update

Install the VMware tools prerequisites:

yum install make gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers glibc-headers perl

Reboot the server:

shutdown -r now

Mount the VMware Tools CD (after inserting it into the VM)

mkdir /media/cdrom
mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

Copy the install bundle from the CD and extract it.

cp /media/cdrom/VMware-Tools*.tar.gz /root
cd /root
tar xvfz VMwareTools*.tar.gz

Run the installer, default on all prompts works fine.

cd /root/vmware-tools-distrib

Reboot the server.

shutdown -r now


Author: Thomas Faddegon

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