- Download the ExFolders tools
- Extract the tool
- Place the tool in de Exchange Bin folder
- Run the reg in the zip
- Run the tool
- Click File , and then click Connect
- Click Tools , and then click Set Calendar Permissions .
- In the new window, click Add , and then select Everyone . Click OK to confirm.
- Back in the Permissions window, click \Everyone , and select the appropriate permissions that you want to add.
- Click OK to begin setting permissions. No warning screen will appear, permissions will be set immediately.
- When the Percentage complete box has reached 100, you can safely close the window. All permissions are set on everyone’s calendar.
If you get the error: Error: Logged-on user does not have FullAccess to this mailbox” in ExFolders run the following cmdlet in the exchange shell:
Get-Mailbox | Add-MailboxPermission -User [username] -AccessRights FullAccess –InheritanceType All