Zenoss: Performance issues with too many events

When you have too many events in your zenoss environment the zenoss webinterface will be very sloooooooow. And you get all kind of errors:

  • Script don’t respond
  • Connection refused. Check zeneventserver status on deamons
  • A zenoss error has occurred

When you start top you see alot of java executables when you click on the Infrastructure zenoss button. Java sometimes take 350% CPU.

java -Djetty.host=localhost -server -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -DZENOSS_COMMAND=zeneventserver -DZENHOME=/opt/zenoss -Djetty.home=/opt/zenoss -Djetty.logs=/opt/zenoss/log -Dlogback.configurationFile=/opt/zenoss/etc/zeneventserver/logback.xml -Xmx1024m -DZENOSS_DAEMON=y -jar /opt/zenoss/lib/jetty-start-7.5.3.v20111011.jar --config=/opt/zenoss/etc/zeneventserver/jetty/start.config --ini=/opt/zenoss/etc/zeneventserver/jetty/jetty.ini --pre=etc/zeneventserver/jetty/jetty-logging.xml

I’ve read a lot of zenoss documentation on the internet but didn’t   found a nice article to get rid of all the events. So here is an article how I fixed it.

Basic steps:

  1. Backup Zenoss
  2. Stop zenoss
  3. Create a new zeneventserver database
  4. Remove zeneventserver content
  5. Restore the zenoss backup
  6. Start zenoss
  7. Enjoy your fast zenoss 🙂

Detailed steps:

  • ssh zenoss host
  • Switch zenoss user

# su zenoss

  • Create backup:

$ /opt/zenoss/bin/zenbackup -v10

  • Stop Zenoss service

$ zenoss stop

  • edit  the zeneventserver script

nano /opt/zenoss/bin/zeneventserver-create-db

  • Search for root and add the root password


  • Run the script

$ zeneventserver-create-db --force --dbtype=mysql

  • Clear the zeneventserver folder

rm -rf $ZENHOME/var/zeneventserver/*

Now some tricky part. Zenoss change some MySQL passwords when you do a restore.  This result in a access denied for user zenoss@localhost during a restore. There is a fix for this problem. Reset the zenoss@’localhost’ and zenoss@’%’ MySQL passwords before you do a restore.

First get the current mysql from the global.conf file (yellow). This password is the password you need for the restore.

$nano /opt/zenoss/etc/global.conf


Tip: Too check the password (encrypted). You can do the same after you change the password:

$ mysql -uroot -p
mysql> select * from mysql.user;


Now reset the password

SET PASSWORD FOR 'zenoss'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('BEagPxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
SET PASSWORD FOR 'zenoss'@'%' = PASSWORD('BEagPxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');

When you check the permissions now you see another encryption:

$ mysql -uroot -p
mysql> select * from mysql.user;

(I don’t have an image example because this is an production enviroment)

Optional: To check the zenoss user permissions:

mysql> SELECT user, host, db, select_priv, insert_priv, grant_priv FROM mysql.db;


Optional: When you still have errors or the above rights ain’t good try these two MySQL scripts:

mysql> CREATE USER 'zenoss'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'zenoss'@'localhost'

mysql> CREATE USER 'zenoss'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'zenoss'@'localhost'

Ok, now everting is set do a restore. The -v stands for verbose and with the no-eventsdb you don’t restore all the events. That’s exactly what we want

zenrestore --file=/opt/zenoss/backups/zenbackup_2014013 -v --no-eventsdb

Now start zenoss

$zenoss start

That’s it.  Enjoy the performance and set some parameters that your events ain’t that big any more in the future.

Source: http://www.nickyeates.com/technology/zenoss/useful_commands_zenoss4
Source: http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-3048

Author: Thomas Faddegon

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