vlookup with powershell

I want to use the vlookup excel function within powershell and without data manipulation of the CSV itself. So I wrote a script to import a CSV, find some data and compare these data

$CSV = Import-Csv -Path C:\Users\user\some.csv

$trigger = $CSV| Where-Object {$_."Primary Description"  -like "some string with a computername"}
$result = $CSV| Where-Object {$_."Primary Description"  -like "another string with a computername"}

$triggerComputer = foreach ($i in $trigger) {($i."Primary Description" -split " ")[5]}
$resultComputer = foreach ($i in $result) {($i."Primary Description" -split " ")[5]}

Compare-Object $triggerComputer $resultComputer

Have fun!

Author: Thomas Faddegon

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