fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve


I have installed Fedora Core 3 and on booting up it gives the error

fsck.ext3:Unable to resolve “LABEL=/”
An error occured during filesystem check
Dropping you to a shell, the system will reboot
when you leave shell

Ok I searched on the net regarding this…

My /etc/fstab had the following entries

LABEL=/ / ext3 defaults 1 1
LABEL=/var/log /var/log ext3 defaults 1 2

My grub.conf had the following entries

title StorTrends iTX 2.0 (2.6.9-1.667smp)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.9-1.667smp ro root=LABEL=/ elevator=deadline vga=0x318 quiet
initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.9-1.667smp.img

************************************************** **
In maintenance mode i mounted the / in read – write mode

mount -n -o remount,rw /

iPod / iTunes under Linux

See this blog: http://ipodvirtualos.blogspot.com/

This works

After those failed methods I was sure about some necessary things:

  • A Windows XP installation is required (for pc’s), so I need an emulator.
  • The emulator should support USB 2.0
  • I want it free and legal (opinion)
  • It should be stable and fast to work with

Finaly after using Google (again) I found an emulator that would do the job: VirtualBox. It’s a free emulator with USB support and it runs remarkably faster than the VMWare Workstation. For people who run Compiz-Fusion: VirtualBox in fullscreen allows cube rotation while the cursor is on the VirtualBox-window. I haven’t found a way to do this with VMWare…

This is how I did it:

First, to be able to access your USB-ports in VirtualBox you need to run the following command as superuser, or add his equivalent line in /etc/fstab :

# sudo mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb

Now to download and install VirtualBox, visit


and download the package that fits your linux distribution and processor architecture. The packages are automatically installable with the GDebi Package Installer (for Ubuntu users).

After the installation read the users manual on


to find out how to create a new guest operation system. You should create a new Windows XP home/professional guest.(*)

Once you have set up a new guest you should install Guest Additions to improve the functionality:

  1. Start your guest OS and wait until it is completely booted
  2. Go to the Device menu and take the last item: Install Guest Additions.
  3. A wizard will start in your guest OS.
  4. You will be prompted to restart your guest, so do this.

Then download and install iTunes 7.4 (or later):


Plug in your iPod, and wait for iTunes to react.
If it doesn’t, go to the Device menu, select USB Devices and click your iPod.
If your iPod is not in the list, you should plug in you iPod before you start VirtualBox.


here’s 6 basic steps to convert a .AVI to DVD so you can watch your movies on your home player, not just your computer. . .But first we need to figure out if it’s a fullscreen movie or letterbox movie. . .Movies normally come in two sizes: 4:3 (fullscreen) or 16:9 (letterbox) which they call aspect ratio. . .They also come in two formats PAL (Non-US) and NTSC (US). . .The following examples are for NTSC Only!

what you need first:
some hardrive space

in this example I will be using a 16:9 movie.avi for our conversion. . .

1.) Split the .avi file into 2 separate files, one for video and one for audio:

transcode -i movie.avi -y ffmpeg --export_prof dvd-ntsc --export_asr 3 -o movie -D0 -s2 -m movie.ac3 -J modfps=clonetype=3 --export_fps 29.97

this will make:
movie.m2v (video)
movie.ac3 (audio)

note: if you’re doing a fullscreen (4:3) movie then simply change –export_asr 3 to –export_asr 2

2.) (optional) Extract 5.1 Audio:

tcextract -d2 -i movie.avi -a0 -x ac3 | tcextract -d2 -x ac3 -t raw > movie.ac3

This is an extra step if you know your .avi file actually has 5.1 surround sound. (Step one only produces a stereo .ac3 file !)
How can you tell? Do this first:

mplayer -vo dummy -identify movie.avi 2> /dev/null | grep "5.1 ("

if you get this output then you have 5.1:

AC3: 5.1 (3f+2r+lfe) 48000 Hz 384.0 kbit/s

if you don’t, just ignore this step!

3.) Put the video & audio file back together:

mplex -f 8 -o dvd_movie.mpg movie.m2v movie.ac3

this will make dvd_movie.mpg ready for DVD authoring. . .

4.) open your favorite text editor and paste the following:

<dvdauthor dest="DVD">
<vmgm />
<vob file="dvd_movie.mpg" chapters="0,15:00,30:00,45:00,1:00:00"/>

save the file as: dvdauthor.xml
in the same directory as your movie files
(you can also change the chapters to fit the times of your movie)

5.) Create a DVD directory where your movie files are and do this:

dvdauthor -x dvdauthor.xml

this will create two AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS directories in your DVD directory. . .

6.) Test it & Burn it:

to test it:

xine dvd:/full/path/to/DVD/VIDEO_TS/

to burn it:

growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video DVD/

note: I like to use DVD-RW discs for a test before I use a real disc. . .
If all goes well, the above will produce movie with no menus, just the movie that should play when you put in your disc. . .and if there’s more than one .avi then simply do this in your dvdauthor.xml file:

<dvdauthor dest="DVD">
<vmgm />
<vob file="dvd_movie_part1.mpg" chapters="0,15:00,30:00,45:00,1:00:00"/>
<vob file="dvd_movie_part2.mpg" chapters="0,15:00,30:00,45:00,1:00:00"/>

Source: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/AVI_to_DVD


Floola is een gratis programma waarmee een iPod en een mobiele telefoon van Motorola kan worden beheerd. Het programma is voor Windows, Mac OS X en Linux beschikbaar. Ondersteuning is voor alle functionaliteit uit iTunes, waaronder album art, podcasts en smart playlists, is aanwezig. Floola hoeft daarnaast niet te worden geïnstalleerd om zijn werk te kunnen doen.

Hier kun Floola downloaden.

Getlibs: Automatically solves dependencies for 32-bit programs on 64-bit

Today i found an real life / time saving debian/ubuntu tool. The name of the tool is getlibs. This tool automatically find the libs and install these. In the past I have search my ass off to find the correct debian libs. Now this problem is (hopefully) fixed 4ever! 😀

On 64-bit systems it downloads and installs libraries needed for 32-bit programs and 64-bit programs.
On 32-bit systems it downloads and installs libraries needed for 32-bit programs.

Thank you to the following bug reporters: marararam ViRMiN Cabal elanthis BogusJoe NullHead mooball
Thank you to the following Beta Testers: Kilz BogusJoe NullHead
Special thanks to: RavanH

To install or upgrade:
Download and double click the file to install.


View the source without installing the package:

getlibs works on:

  • All Ubuntu and Debian systems
  • Debian or Ubuntu based distributions (best to use the package name)

Tip: To install a 32-bit debian package for a program (not a library!) use



sudo dpkg -i --force-all package_name.deb

Usage Examples:

getlibs on a program to download all missing libraries:



getlibs /usr/bin/skype


Use getlibs to install a 32-bit library using the library name:



getlibs -l libogg.so.0 libSDL-1.2.so.0


Use getlibs to install a 32-bit library using the package name:



getlibs -p libqt4-core libqt4-gui


Install a 32-bit library file (.deb):



getlibs -i ~/i386_library_1.deb


Download and install a 32-bit library file (.deb):



getlibs -w http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sdl-image1.2/libsdl-image1.2_1.2.5-3_i386.deb


Other options:

–apt-file : Uses apt-file to find the packagenames for libraries. The default uses packages.ubuntu.com. This is especially useful for non-ubuntu users.

–build : converts a 32-bit package to a 64-bit package and installs it. This will only install libraries from a 32-bit package into the correct place! This will not install any binaries from that package! This is very beta.

–savebuild : use with –build. Saves new 64-bit package to /home/$USER

–mirror or -m : Use the specified mirror to download from if one is not specified for package

–verbose : Extra output

–ldconfig : Runs ldconfig on directories where new libraries are installed

-64 : Will let apt-get install 64-bit packages for a 64-bit system

-32 : Left only for compatibility with getlibs v1. 32-bit library installation is the default for all systems.

–distro : can set as either Ubuntu or Debian. Ubuntu installs to /usr/lib32 and/or /lib32. Debian installs to /emul/ia32-linux/

–release : can set as hardy gutsy feisty edgy or dapper. Determines what web interface release is used in search.

Source: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=474790

Project: Linux on solid state flash laptop


I want to create a new linux project. The laptop have a solit state flash drive with only 128mb ram.

The following must run:
– Debian\Ubuntu as main OS
– Xwindow manager (Flux box, Enlightenment, ICEWM or XFCE)
– PPTP VPN connections
– Remote desktop program for Windows RDP

The main problem of solid state flash is that you can write the disk not forever. So the log & temporary files must be run in the RAM. I found the following solution:


tmp     /tmp            tmpfs   noexec,nosuid,rw,size=1024K     0       0
vartmp  /var/tmp        tmpfs   noexec,nosuid,rw,size=1024K     0       0
varlog  /var/log        tmpfs   noexec,nosuid,rw,size=2048K     0       0


My Distro choice is DSL (damn small linux) because that is a very small distro including window manager.

The first big problem is that i have only a 64mb SSD disk. I must create 57mb for my “fragile” installation. A have 7 MB for my home & swap. I’ll have try it without swap but DSL was very unstable on my laptop.


I found a solution (DSL Create own CD(PDF)) to create a my own installation CD. When I re-mastering the distro I can add items. But soon I’ll try this manner to strip the distribution to a smaller one 🙂


When I remastered the DS, I seen one big KNOPPIX file. Now I must rebuild te KNOPPIX enviroment instead of the DSL. The KNOPPIX file is like a ISO. I must mount the file before i can edit these.

I found the following steps on the internet:

Uncompress the DSL-N *.iso and ‘unpack” the knoppix image

# mkdir /ramdisk/image
# mount /path-to-file/dsl-n-01RC4.iso /ramdisk/image -t iso9660 -o loop,ro
# mkdir /ramdisk/unpack
# mount /ramdisk/image/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX /ramdisk/unpack -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/cloop50

Prepare a place to put the files for the re-mastered knoppix image

# mkdir /ramdisk/source
# mkdir /ramdisk/newcd
# mkdir /ramdisk/newcd/KNOPPIX
# cp -Rp /ramdisk/unpack/* /ramdisk/source
# cp -Rp /ramdisk/unpack/.bash_profile /ramdisk/source

Copy additional files to be added to the new knoppix image

# cp /path-to-file/file /ramdisk/source/path-to-file/file
# etc etc

“Pack” the new knoppix image

# mkisofs -R /ramdisk/source | create_compressed_fs – 65536 > ramdisk/newcd/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

I’ll try the mount and this works 🙂 So now I must find the big files and strip these. My following step is find a tool like KDirStat to find these files.

Ubuntu 30-Mount Check Annoyance

If you’ve used Ubuntu Linux for longer than a month, you’ve no doubt realized that every 30 times you boot up you are forced to run a filesystem check. This filesystem check is necessary in order to keep your filesystem healthy. Some people advise turning the check off completely, but that is generally not a recommended solution. Another solution is to increase the number of maximum mounts from 30 to some larger number like 100. That way it’s about 3 times less annoying. But this solution is also not recommended. Enter AutoFsck.

AutoFsck is a set of scripts that replaces the file system check script that comes shipped with Ubuntu. The difference is that AutoFsck doesn’t ruin your day if you are so unfortunate to encounter the 30th mount. The most important difference is that AutoFsck does its dirty work when you shut your computer down, not during boot when you need your computer the most!The 30th time you mount your filesystem, AutoFsck will wait until you shut down your computer. It will then ask you if it is convenient for you to check your filesystem. If it is convenient for you, then AutoFsck will restart your computer, automatically execute the filesystem check, and then immediately power down your system. If it is not convenient for you to check your filesystem at that moment, then AutoFsck will wait until the next time you shut down your computer to ask you again. Being prompted for a file system check during shutdown is infinitely more convenient than being forced to sit through a 15 minute check during boot up.

Source: http://micrux.net/?p=52
Official Site: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoFsck


Hi everyone,
this is a simple Howto for owners of laptops with Intel 2200 or 3945 wifi cards. Using these commands will use laptop-mode automatically at bootup to improve your battery life. Additionnaly, there are two scripts to be added to laptop-mode so that it manages the power saving modes on the intel wifi cards. This howto assumes you already have a working wireless setup, there are other threads on getting you wifi working, please keep this thread about power management.

To use laptop-mode by default:


sudo gedit /etc/default/acpi-support

Scroll down change laptop-mode to true:



For some reason, laptop-mode is only started when the AC is unplugged. This might seem fine unless you bootup the laptop on the battery, in which case laptop-mode never gets started. Thus, to enable laptop-mode at boot (taken from a lost thread):


sudo update-rc.d laptop-mode multiuser

Now that laptop-mode is started automatically, we can make sure it manages the power saving on the intel wireless cards (ipw3945 & iwp2200) this way.

To use the power management, you will need to install the wireless tools:


sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic wireless-tools

For both intel 3945 (ipw3945 driver) and 2200 (ipw2200 driver) cards:

First, create the helper function file (taken from largecat’s post on page 2 of this thread):


sudo gedit /etc/acpi/intelWifiPwr.sh

copy & paste this code in the editor, save and exit.


# Power saving setting for the Intel 3945 and 2200 wireless adaptor
# This script relies upon the name of the driver.



SET_I3945_AC_PARMS="set_power 6"
SET_I3945_BAT_PARMS="set_power 7"

SET_I2200_AC_PARMS="power off"
SET_I2200_BAT_PARMS="power on"

# Find all the wireless devices using the supplied driver names.
# Place the interface names on the list WIFI_IFNAMES.
function findWifiIfsByDriver {
    local DEVICE;
    local LINK_TARGET;

    for DEVICE in /sys/class/net/*; do
	if [ -d $DEVICE/wireless ]; then
# See if the driver for $DEVICE matches the supplied one by checking the link to
# the driver.
	    if [ -h $DEVICE/device/driver ]; then
		LINK_TARGET=`readlink $DEVICE/device/driver | sed 's/.*\///'`

		if [ $LINK_TARGET == $1 ]; then

# add the interface name to the list
		    WIFI_IFNAMES=$WIFI_IFNAMES" "`echo -n $DEVICE | sed 's/.*\///'`

# Set all the adaptors using the supplied driver into the supplied
# power saving mode
# $1 - driver name
# $2 - power command
# $3 - power command arguments
function setWifiPwrSave {
    local DEVICE;
    findWifiIfsByDriver $1;

    for DEVICE in $WIFI_IFNAMES; do
#	echo "Would execute $2 $DEVICE $3"
	$2 $DEVICE $3

function intel3945_BatPwrSave {
    setWifiPwrSave "$I3945_DRIVERNAME" "$IWPRIV" "$SET_I3945_BAT_PARMS"

function intel3945_AcPwrSave {
    setWifiPwrSave "$I3945_DRIVERNAME" "$IWPRIV" "$SET_I3945_AC_PARMS"

function intel2200_BatPwrSave {
    setWifiPwrSave "$I2200_DRIVERNAME" "$IWCONFIG" "$SET_I2200_BAT_PARMS"

function intel2200_AcPwrSave {
    setWifiPwrSave "$I2200_DRIVERNAME" "$IWCONFIG" "$SET_I2200_AC_PARMS"

Then we will create 2 scripts. The first will run when the laptop is unplugged, the later when it runs on AC.

On battery:


sudo gedit /etc/laptop-mode/batt-start/20-wireless-battery.sh

Then copy and paste this code into the editor, save and exit:



# source the helper script
. /etc/acpi/intelWifiPwr.sh

# set Battery power saving

Make it executable:


sudo chmod +x /etc/laptop-mode/batt-start/20-wireless-battery.sh

On AC:


sudo gedit /etc/laptop-mode/batt-stop/20-wireless-ac.sh

Then copy and paste this code into the editor, save and exit:



# source the helper script
. /etc/acpi/intelWifiPwr.sh

# set Battery power saving

Make it executable:


sudo chmod +x /etc/laptop-mode/batt-stop/20-wireless-ac.sh

That’s it, you can give it a try by plugging and unplugging the AC and running iwconfig to verify that the Power management: on/off changes (this can take up to 15 seconds to change)

Bron: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=419772