Print Spooler Crash Troubleshooting Steps

(copy from:

Overview of Print Spooler Component

Print Processor

The print processor tells the spooler to alter a job according to the document data type. It works together with the printer driver to move the spooled print jobs from the hard disk drive to the printer.

Print Monitor

The print monitors are the name of any component that processes the print job after it has spooled and are responsible for directing the output to the print device. Print monitors can be divided into two classes:

  • Language monitors
  • Port monitors

Language monitors are typically used only for bi-directional printers. A bi-directional printer

Supports two-way communication to answer status, and configurations questions sent to it. A

Bi-directional printer can also give unsolicited status information about the job being printed,

and error conditions such as paper out.

Port monitors consist of user-mode DLLs. They are responsible for providing a     communications    path between the user-mode print spooler and the kernel-mode port drivers that access I/O port hardware.

Print Spooler crash happens most of the time due to third party print processor and print monitor. We can set printers to use default print processor and monitor by machine changes in the registry called as Print hive cleaning

Note that all of the changes described in this section will take effect when the Print Spooler service is restarted.

Confirm the default Local Print Provider

1) Use Regedit to locate the Print key in the Registry:


2) Click to highlight the Print key in Regedit and export the key as a .reg file for backup purposes (File > Export).

3) Locate the Local Port Registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Local Port

4) Confirm that the Driver value in the Local Port Registry key is set to Localspl.dll. If it is not, double-click the Driver value to edit the Data String and set it to Localspl.dll.

Remove 3rd Party Port and Language Monitors

1) Note any 3rd-party Monitors that are listed in the Monitors Registry key for future reference:


The default Monitors are:


AppleTalk Printing Devices

BJ Language Monitor

Local Port

LPR Port

PJL Language Monitor

Standard TCP/IP Port

USB Monitor

Windows NT Fax Monitor


Note: Not all of the above default Port Monitors will be present in all cases. You may also see the Microsoft Office Document Imaging Monitor which is installed by MS Office.

The 2 types of monitors that may be listed here are Port Monitors and/or Language Monitors. As a general rule, Language Monitors will not have any printer ports defined in the Ports subkey and may be removed without causing a problem. Port Monitors such as HP Standard TCP/IP, however, may have active printers using this port type. If a 3rd-party Port Monitor is in use, with printers defined in the Ports subkey under the Port Monitor, you will need to convert the port(s) to a Standard TCP/IP Port (Standard Port Monitor).

2) To convert the printer ports from the 3rd-party Port Monitor to Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor, perform the following steps:

Convert 3rd Party Ports to Standard TCP/IP Ports

1) Open the Printers and Faxes folder.

2) Right-click the printer that was identified as using the 3rd-party Port Monitor and select Properties.

3) In the Properties for the printer, click the Ports tab.

4) On the Ports tab, click the Add Port button.

5) In the Printer Ports dialog, select Standard TCP/IP and click the New Port button to start the Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Wizard.

6) Click Next when the Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Wizard starts to specify the printer that will be using this new port.

7) Enter the Printer Name or IP Address for the printer that will be using this new port and click Next.

Note: The wizard automatically fills in the port name for you in the Port Name box. You can either accept this name or type the name that you want to use, and then click Next. Standard Port Monitor then sends a query to the print device. Based on the SNMP values that are returned, the device details are determined and the appropriate device options are displayed. If the print device cannot be identified, you must supply additional information about it.

8) If the Additional Port Information Required page is displayed, perform one of the following tasks under Device Type:

Click Standard, click the appropriate device in the list, and then click Next.


Click Custom, click Settings, specify the protocol settings (RAW or LPR) and the SNMP status settings that you want to use, click OK, and then click Next.

10) If the wizard prompts you for the print server protocol, specify the protocol that you want to use, either RAW or LPR.

11) If the wizard prompts you to select a port, specify the port that you want to use in the Device Port box, and then click Next.

12) Click Finish, and then click Close. On the Ports tab in the Properties for the printer, you should see that the printer is now set to use the new Standard TCP/IP Port that you just created. The new Standard TCP/IP port is also displayed in the Ports on this server list on the Ports tab in the Print Server Properties (File > Server Properties from within the Printers folder)

13) You can then delete the 3rd-party port from the Ports tab within the Print Server Properties.

14) Repeat these steps for all printers that are using a 3rd-party Port Monitor.

After moving all printers to the Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor, we can delete the 3rd-party Port Monitor’s Registry key under the Monitors key:


Remove All Other 3rd party Monitors

For any other 3rd party Monitors that are identified under the Monitors key and are confirmed to NOT have any printer ports listed under the Ports subkey for the Monitor, we will need to perform the following 2 steps

  • Identify printers configured to use the 3rd party Monitor.
  • Delete the reference to the Monitor for that printer.
  • Delete the Registry key for the 3rd party Monitor.

Note: The Client Printer Port is the Citrix Metaframe Monitor used for autocreated client printers in Terminal Server sessions. Do not remove this Monitor unless it is confirmed to be related to the problem:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Client Printer Port

Driver REG_SZ cpmmon.dll


See the following article before removing Lexmark Monitors:

155516 How to Remove the Lexmark MarkVision Monitor

1) Note the name of the 3rd-party Monitor that is being removed. We will use this name to search the Print Registry key for references to this Monitor.

Assume, for example, that the HP Master Monitor is installed:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\HP Master Monitor

EOJTimeout REG_DWORD 0xea60



2) In Regedit, click to highlight the Print key:


3) Press F3, or click the Edit menu and select Find.

4) In the Find What field, type the name of the 3rd-party Monitor that is being removed, HP Master Monitor in this example, and click Find Next. Identify printers that are configured to use the Monitor that we are removing, for example:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-3\HP Color LaserJet 2500 PCL 6

Configuration File REG_SZ HPBF342E.DLL




Monitor REG_SZ HP Master Monitor


5) Double-click the Monitor value to delete the 3rd party Monitor data string. In this example, delete the “HP Master Monitor” value. The Monitor value will be left with a blank data string, as follows:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-3\HP Color LaserJet 2500 PCL 6

Configuration File REG_SZ HPBF342E.DLL




Monitor REG_SZ


6) Repeat the steps above for all 3rd-party Monitors.

7) Stop and restart the Print Spooler service for the changes take effect.

Net stop spooler

Net start spooler

Note: In most cases, removing the 3rd party Monitors will not affect normal printing. If new problems are seen after removing the 3rd party Monitors, we can restore the backed up Print Registry key to restore the original configuration..

You can then perform the steps above again in smaller steps, stopping and starting the Print Spooler service more frequently, to determine if a specific component is required. If so, skip the removal of this component and continue removing the other 3rd-party items.

Note: If the problem is easily reproducible, you may also individually remove the 3rd-party Monitors to try to narrow the problem down to a particular Monitor. This procedure will take more time and may require restarting the Print Spooler service multiple times.

Remove 3rd-party Print Providers

Remove 3rd party Print Providers by deleting the 3rd-party providers in the following Registry key:


The default Print Providers are:

Internet Print Provider

Lanman Print Services

The Client Printer Provider is the Citrix Metaframe provider used for autocreated client printers in Terminal Server sessions. Do not remove this Provider unless it is confirmed to be related to the problem:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Providers\Client Printer

Name REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Citrix\system32\cdmprov.dll

DisplayName REG_SZ Client Printer


2) Stop and restart the Print Spooler service for the changes take effect.

Net stop spooler

Net start spooler

Remove 3rd Party Print Processors

Perform the following steps to confirm that all printers are configured to use the WinprintPrint Processor.

  • Identify printers that are configured to use a 3rd party Print Processor.
  • Change the 3rd party Print Processor to Winprint.
  • Delete the Registry key for the 3rd party Print Processor.

1) Note the name of the installed Print Processors under the following Registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Print Processors

The default Print Processor is Winprint:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Print Processors\winprint

Driver REG_SZ localspl.dll


Assume, for example, that the HPPRN05 is installed:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Print Processors\HPPRN05



2) In Regedit, click to highlight the Print key:


3) Press F3, or click the Edit menu and select Find.

4) In the Find What field, type Print Processor and click Find Next. Identify the Print Processor being used for each printer:



ChangeID REG_DWORD 0x1b9fa8c9

Status REG_DWORD 0x180

Name REG_SZ Client\XPWS

Share Name REG_SZ

Print Processor REG_SZ HPPRN05


5) Double-click the Print Processor value to change the 3rd party processor data string to Winprint:



ChangeID REG_DWORD 0x1b9fa8c9

Status REG_DWORD 0x180

Name REG_SZ Client\XPWS

Share Name REG_SZ

Print Processor REG_SZ WinPrint


6) Repeat the steps above for all 3rd-party Print Processors.

7) Stop and restart the Print Spooler service for the changes to take effect.

Net stop spooler

Net start spooler

Note: In most cases, changing the print processor to Winprint will not affect normal printing. If new problems are seen after changing the print processor,  we can restore the backed up Print Registry key and restart the Print Spooler service to restore the original configuration.

You can then perform the steps above again in smaller steps, stopping and starting the Print Spooler service more frequently, to determine if a specific component is required. If so, skip the removal of this component and continue removing the other 3rd party items.

Additional steps to be done

1) Check the Spool folder to see if there are any old files in the folder. When printing is working properly, the files in the Spool folder are deleted as the jobs are printed. The default Spool folder is:


The Spool folder location can be confirmed by checking the DefaultSpoolDirectory Registry value in the following Registry key:


Move any old files that are in the Spool folder to see if the problem still occurs. Corrupt files in the Spool folder can cause Print Spooler service problems. You may need to stop the Print Spooler service to move the files from the Spool folder.

2) The Print Spooler service is, by default, dependent only upon the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service, RPCSS. To confirm the Spooler dependencies, check the DependOnService value in the following Registry key:


Confirm that the dependent services are started. If there are any other dependent services listed, in addition to RPCSS, edit the DependOnService Registry value to remove all dependencies except RPCSS.

3) Configure the installed antivirus application to exclude scanning the Spool folder. There can be contention between the antivirus application and the Print Spooler service that may cause intermittent printing problems.

If still issue persists we need to collect ADPlus crash dump of print spooler service. ADPlus is a tool that will allow us to get a memory dump from a process that is giving you problems.

To get this tool, please install the “Debugging Tools for Windows” from

Once these tools are installed, do the following:

1. Create a directory called c:\adplus

2. Open a command prompt and change to the directory where you installed the debugging tools.  By default, this is c:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows

3. Type the following: “cscript adplus.vbs -hang -pn <mmc.exe> -o c:\adplus

4. Do not interfere with the windows that is opened, just let it run minimized.
5. You will not be able to log off the system while you are monitoring.
6. When the crash occurs, please zip and send me the contents of the c:\adplus directory.

For more information please see refer to this Knowledge Base article: 286350 HOWTO: Use Autodump+ to Troubleshoot “Hangs” and “Crashes”

After collecting the dump please contact Microsoft for the analysis.

Hide Administrative tools and network places Windows 2008

By default on Windows 2008 R2 you cannot hide Administrative tools and Network places by default. You must create custom 2 policies:

Network places (This cannot be a user key, so you must restart the (client) server 🙁 ):



CATEGORY !!ExplorerExtras

POLICY !!HideNetworkInExplorer
KEYNAME “SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\NonEnum”
EXPLAIN !!HideNetworkInExplorer_Help
VALUENAME “{F02C1A0D-BE21-4350-88B0-7367FC96EF3C}”



Custom=”Custom Policies”
ExplorerExtras=”Windows Explorer Extra’s”
HideNetworkInExplorer=”Hide Network Icon in Explorer 2008/Vista”
HideNetworkInExplorer_Help=”Enable this one to hide the icon, disable or unconfigure to show it…”

If the you cannot use the policy you can fix it in the register with the following key:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Administrative tools

CATEGORY “Start Menu Administrative Tools(CustomADM)”
POLICY “Remove Administrative Tools from Start Menu”
KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
VALUENAME “Start_AdminToolsRoot”

ADM_Configure=”Set the Administrative Tools to:”

; explains
ADMhelp=”Set Administrative Tools to be shown or hidden on the Start Menu. No need to delete the folder off your TS now! MMills – 30/03/10″

WSS / Sharepoint Cannot access site from local server

You receive error 401.1 when you browse a Web site that uses Integrated Authentication and is hosted on IIS 5.1 or a later version

Solution :

Method 1: Specify host names (Preferred method if NTLM authentication is desired)

To specify the host names that are mapped to the loopback address and can connect to Web sites on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Set the DisableStrictNameChecking registry entry to 1. For more information about how to do this, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    281308 Connecting to SMB share on a Windows 2000-based computer or a Windows Server 2003-based computer may not work with an alias name
  2. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
  3. In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key:
  4. Right-click MSV1_0, point to New, and then click Multi-String Value.
  5. Type BackConnectionHostNames, and then press ENTER.
  6. Right-click BackConnectionHostNames, and then click Modify.
  7. In the Value data box, type the host name or the host names for the sites that are on the local computer, and then click OK.
  8. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart the IISAdmin service.


Method 2: Disable the loopback check (less-recommended method)

The second method is to disable the loopback check by setting the DisableLoopbackCheck registry key.

To set the DisableLoopbackCheck registry key, follow these steps:

  1. Set the DisableStrictNameChecking registry entry to 1. For more information about how to do this, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    281308 Connecting to SMB share on a Windows 2000-based computer or a Windows Server 2003-based computer may not work with an alias name
  2. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
  3. In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key:
  4. Right-click Lsa, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
  5. Type DisableLoopbackCheck, and then press ENTER.
  6. Right-click DisableLoopbackCheck, and then click Modify.
  7. In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
  8. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart your computer.

TrendMicro Officescan 10 on Windows 2008 R2

When you install Officescan 10 on a Windows 2008 R2 server you get 2 errors:

  1. When you login to the webconsole you get the error: Your OfficeScan Session has timed out. Please log in again
  2. When you use the remote installerr you get the error: Incorrect parameter in the initialization file

You can fix this problem by change the NTFS rights (Everyone/modify) on the maps.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\TEMP
C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV\Web_OSCE\Web_console

Please TrendMicro fix your installer!

Speed up your firefox

How longer you use firefox how slower the automatic search will be. There is a plugin thats defragment the search database.

Quote Vacuum Places Improved 1:

Defragments your Firefox “Places” database (history/bookmarks)
This greatly reduces the lag while typing in the address bar and the start-up time.
This extension features configurable automatic cleaning, periodic reminder, and internationalization.


Show 5 fsmo roles script

Set objRootDSE = GetObject(“LDAP://rootDSE“)

‘ Schema Master
Set objSchema = GetObject(“LDAP://” &_
strSchemaMaster = objSchema.Get(“fSMORoleOwner”)
Set objNtds = GetObject(“LDAP://” & strSchemaMaster)
Set objComputer = GetObject(objNtds.Parent)
WScript.Echo “Forest-wide Schema Master FSMO: ” &_

Set objNtds = Nothing
Set objComputer = Nothing

‘ Domain Naming Master
Set objPartitions = GetObject(“LDAP://CN=Partitions,” & _
strDomainNamingMaster = objPartitions.Get(“fSMORoleOwner”)
Set objNtds = GetObject(“LDAP://” & strDomainNamingMaster)
Set objComputer = GetObject(objNtds.Parent)
WScript.Echo “Forest-wide Domain Naming Master FSMO: ” &_

Set objNtds = Nothing
Set objComputer = Nothing

‘ PDC Emulator
Set objDomain = GetObject(“LDAP://” &_
strPdcEmulator = objDomain.Get(“fSMORoleOwner”)
Set objNtds = GetObject(“LDAP://” & strPdcEmulator)
Set objComputer = GetObject(objNtds.Parent)
WScript.Echo “Domain’s PDC Emulator FSMO: ” & objComputer.Name

Set objNtds = Nothing
Set objComputer = Nothing

‘ RID Master
Set objRidManager = GetObject(“LDAP://CN=RID Manager$,CN=System,” & _
strRidMaster = objRidManager.Get(“fSMORoleOwner”)
Set objNtds = GetObject(“LDAP://” & strRidMaster)
Set objComputer = GetObject(objNtds.Parent)
WScript.Echo “Domain’s RID Master FSMO: ” & objComputer.Name

Set objNtds = Nothing
Set objComputer = Nothing

‘ Infrastructure Master
Set objInfrastructure = GetObject(“LDAP://CN=Infrastructure,” & _
strInfrastructureMaster = objInfrastructure.Get(“fSMORoleOwner”)
Set objNtds = GetObject(“LDAP://” & strInfrastructureMaster)
Set objComputer = GetObject(objNtds.Parent)
WScript.Echo “Domain’s Infrastructure Master FSMO: ” & objComputer.Name


Manually Remove Trend Micro Officescan Client

  1. Go to Control Panel Services (services.msc), and stop the following services:
    • OfficeScanNT Listener
    • OfficeScanNT RealTimeScan
    • OfficeScanNT Personal Firewall (if enabled)
  2. Run Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
  3. Navigate to the following registry key



  1. Delete the following keys (if available):
    • Ntrtscan
    • Tmlisten
    • TmFilter
    • VSApiNt
    • TMPreFilter
    • TM_CFW
    • OfcPfwSvc
  2. Navigate to the following registry hive:



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Wow6432Node\TrendMicro (in 64-bit Windows operating system)

  1. Delete the following keys (if available):
    • OfcWatchDog
    • Pc-cillinNTCorp or OfficeScanCorp (depending on the client)
    • RemoteAgent
    • PC-cillin
    • CFW
  2. Browse to the following registry key hive:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

  1. Delete the OfficeScanNT Monitor key.
  2. Navigate to the following registry key:


  1. Delete the OfficeScanNT key.
  2. Delete the OfficeScan program group (Trend Micro OfficeScan Client) from the Windows Start menu.
  3. Restart the computer.
  4. Delete the directories that contain the OfficeScan Client program files, normally located inside Program Files folder.

Above steps work for OfficeScan 7.x client in Windows 2003/XP/2000/NT/Vista/2008 machine. For Trend Micro OfficeScan Corporate Edition (OSCE) – 5.58, OfficeScan Corporate Edition (OSCE) – 6.5, Client / Server / Messaging Suite for SMB – 2.0, follow these manual uninstallation steps instead.

  1. Delete the Trend Micro OfficeScan Client program shortcut in Start Menu, by right click on it and then choose Delete.
  2. Delete the installed files located in the OfficeScan folder under the \Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan Client directory.
  3. Open the Registry Editor (regedit).
  4. Navigate to the following registry key:


  1. Delete the following keys:
    • OfcWatchDog
    • PC-cillin
    • PC-cillinNTCorp
  2. Also delete the following registry hives:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\OfficeScanNT Monitor
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OfficeScanNT
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ntrtscan
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tmfilter
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tmlisten
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TmPreFilter (for Win2003)
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VSApiNt
  3. Right click on My Computer

, click Manage and then select Device Manager.

  1. Enable the Show Hidden Devices option.
  2. Remove the following hidden devices in Non-Plug and Play Drivers tree pertaining to OfficeScan (right-click and select Uninstall):
    • Trend Micro VSAPI NT
    • Trend Micro FILTER
    • Common Firewall Driver
    • NTRTSCAN (if available)
    • TMLISTEN (if available)
  3. Restart the OfficeScan client machine.
