Exchange 2007 – Out-of-Office / Autodiscover troubleshooting

If you have some trouble with Out-of-Office / Autodiscover  Exchange try the following to fix the problems:

 Remove Autodiscover and EWS virtual directories from the default website with the following commands



If you can’t remove them because of some error use the metebase explorer (google) and follow these steps:

 1. Install it on your Exchange Server
2. Run it as Administrator
3. Browse to Wssv –> 1 –> Root –> Autodiscover
4. Dont delete it first, rename it to whatever…
5. Check Metabase Explorer and IIS Management to make sure your new Autodiscover Application is listed. 
6.  Delete old renamed directory in Metabase explorer…

 Create the EWS and Autodiscover again

New-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -WebsiteName “Default Web Site” -Internalurl “https://server.domain.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx” -ExternalUrl “https://server.domain.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx

New-AutoDiscoverVirtualDirectory -websitename “Default Web Site” -WindowsAuthentication $true -DigestAuthentication $false -Internalurl “https://server.domain.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx” -ExternalUrl “https://server.domain.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx

 Give an IIS reset.

Check with these commands if the EWS and Autodiscover works:

1. Past the internal URL in your browser. A certificate error may occur, and there must be come a login windows. After you login with some authenticated user you must see a XML file.
2. Try the following CMDlets for more information. Esspecialy the output from Test-Outlookwebservices is very important .

Test-OutlookWebServices |fl
Get-webservicesvirtualdirectory |fl

3. Start Outlook as Exchange user, press down crtl, click with the right mouse button on the Outlook icon and click on test automatic email configuration.

If you get an error 500, error 1013 or some web application error check the IIS authentication rights:

Now it must work!

Autodiscover Service Exchange 2007

For Autodiscover, you actually have two options.

1. Repeat the above process, with a new dedicated web site for autodiscover.
The command for a new Autodiscover virtual directory is

New-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Websitename Autodiscover -BasicAuthentication:$true -WindowsAuthentication:$true

That web site can then get its own SSL certificate.
This could be useful if you use two different domains, one for email and one for external facing web services. Autodiscover uses the same domain as your email.
However if you have multiple domains for email, you will need to use the redirect method.
2. Add to the external web site and configure a redirect.

To add the Autodiscover virtual directory to the External web site created in above:

New-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Websitename External -BasicAuthentication:$true -WindowsAuthentication:$true

The redirection configuration is very important to ensure that it works correctly. The redirection method requires port 80 (http) traffic to come in. For internal traffic that is fine, but for external traffic you may want to look at a way of configuring the redirection using a public web site.

At the time of writing, this is Microsoft’s article on redirection. It is covered under the section Hosted Environments and the Autodiscover Service, but would also be useful if you have more than one domain, or you use a different domain for email than you do for external facing web services.