If you want to use regular expressions to know if some numerical value is higher then 199 use the following code:
^ = String begins with
\d = numerical string (character 0-9)
{1,2} = minimal 1 maximum 2 numerical characters
$ = end script
| = OR (to bind 2 regular expressions)
^ = begins with
[1] = first character = 1 (if you want to go till 299 it may be [1-2])
\d\d = the next 2 character must be numerical strings
$ = end
For 399 the parameter can be:
Nice freeware regex tool: http://www.radsoftware.com.au/regexdesigner/
Lot of samples: http://www.regular-expressions.info/examples.html
Online test: http://www.regexplanet.com/simple/index.html
Very nice online test tool: https://regex101.com/
Hope this helps 🙂