How to Set Up Automatic Security Updates on Debian and Ubuntu

Keeping your Ubuntu server secure and up-to-date is crucial to minimizing the risk of vulnerabilities. One effective way to ensure timely patching of critical security issues is to enable automatic updates using unattended-upgrades. Here’s how to configure it step by step.

Cronjob Onliner:

/usr/bin/apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive /usr/bin/apt-get --assume-yes upgrade && reboot

Or the real deal 🙂


sudo apt install unattended-upgrades
sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades
sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades

Step 1: Install unattended-upgrades

First, you need to install the package that handles automatic updates. You can do this by running the following command:

sudo apt install unattended-upgrades

This will install the necessary package to automate the upgrade process.

Step 2: Configure unattended-upgrades

Once the package is installed, you need to configure it. Run the following command to launch the configuration process:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades

During this process, you’ll be asked whether you want to enable automatic updates. Make sure to select “Yes” to enable it.

Step 3: Adjust Configuration Files

To further customize the behavior of automatic updates, you can modify some configuration files.

  1. Open the main configuration file to specify which packages to automatically update:
   sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades

In this file, you can select specific origins or repositories from which packages should be updated, such as security updates.

  1. Open another configuration file to control the frequency of updates:
   sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades

In this file, you can specify the interval for how often the system should check for updates. It typically looks something like this:

   APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";
   APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1";

These settings indicate that the package list is updated daily, and the system performs unattended upgrades once a day as well.


With these steps, you’ve successfully set up automatic security updates on your Ubuntu server. This will help keep your system secure without needing constant manual intervention. While this is a good practice for keeping your server updated, it’s always important to regularly check logs and ensure everything runs smoothly.

Sitecom WL-344 wireless not working

The solutions is block the rt2800usb

 echo ‘blacklist rt2800usb’ | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

restart, and try this

echo ‘install rt2870sta modprobe –ignore-install rt2870sta ; /bin/echo “0df6 0040” > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/rt2870/new_id’ | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rt2870sta.conf
sudo modprobe rt2870sta
dmesg | egrep ‘rt28|usb|Phy’
sudo iwlist scan


(the first Line allocate the Chipset-ID to the driver rt2870sta)

If the solution works, activiate it automatically by a new udev-Rule

sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/10-wlan.rules

Insert the following code and save the file

 # UDEV-Rule for Sitecom WL-344 ID 0df6:0040

SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, SYSFS{idVendor}==”0df6″, SYSFS{idProduct}==”0040″, RUN+=”/sbin/modprobe rt2870sta”

Activate it (or restart)

 sudo service udev reload

Credits: flash63

Ubuntu 30-Mount Check Annoyance

If you’ve used Ubuntu Linux for longer than a month, you’ve no doubt realized that every 30 times you boot up you are forced to run a filesystem check. This filesystem check is necessary in order to keep your filesystem healthy. Some people advise turning the check off completely, but that is generally not a recommended solution. Another solution is to increase the number of maximum mounts from 30 to some larger number like 100. That way it’s about 3 times less annoying. But this solution is also not recommended. Enter AutoFsck.

AutoFsck is a set of scripts that replaces the file system check script that comes shipped with Ubuntu. The difference is that AutoFsck doesn’t ruin your day if you are so unfortunate to encounter the 30th mount. The most important difference is that AutoFsck does its dirty work when you shut your computer down, not during boot when you need your computer the most!The 30th time you mount your filesystem, AutoFsck will wait until you shut down your computer. It will then ask you if it is convenient for you to check your filesystem. If it is convenient for you, then AutoFsck will restart your computer, automatically execute the filesystem check, and then immediately power down your system. If it is not convenient for you to check your filesystem at that moment, then AutoFsck will wait until the next time you shut down your computer to ask you again. Being prompted for a file system check during shutdown is infinitely more convenient than being forced to sit through a 15 minute check during boot up.

Official Site:


Hi everyone,
this is a simple Howto for owners of laptops with Intel 2200 or 3945 wifi cards. Using these commands will use laptop-mode automatically at bootup to improve your battery life. Additionnaly, there are two scripts to be added to laptop-mode so that it manages the power saving modes on the intel wifi cards. This howto assumes you already have a working wireless setup, there are other threads on getting you wifi working, please keep this thread about power management.

To use laptop-mode by default:


sudo gedit /etc/default/acpi-support

Scroll down change laptop-mode to true:



For some reason, laptop-mode is only started when the AC is unplugged. This might seem fine unless you bootup the laptop on the battery, in which case laptop-mode never gets started. Thus, to enable laptop-mode at boot (taken from a lost thread):


sudo update-rc.d laptop-mode multiuser

Now that laptop-mode is started automatically, we can make sure it manages the power saving on the intel wireless cards (ipw3945 & iwp2200) this way.

To use the power management, you will need to install the wireless tools:


sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic wireless-tools

For both intel 3945 (ipw3945 driver) and 2200 (ipw2200 driver) cards:

First, create the helper function file (taken from largecat’s post on page 2 of this thread):


sudo gedit /etc/acpi/

copy & paste this code in the editor, save and exit.


# Power saving setting for the Intel 3945 and 2200 wireless adaptor
# This script relies upon the name of the driver.



SET_I3945_AC_PARMS="set_power 6"
SET_I3945_BAT_PARMS="set_power 7"

SET_I2200_AC_PARMS="power off"
SET_I2200_BAT_PARMS="power on"

# Find all the wireless devices using the supplied driver names.
# Place the interface names on the list WIFI_IFNAMES.
function findWifiIfsByDriver {
    local DEVICE;
    local LINK_TARGET;

    for DEVICE in /sys/class/net/*; do
	if [ -d $DEVICE/wireless ]; then
# See if the driver for $DEVICE matches the supplied one by checking the link to
# the driver.
	    if [ -h $DEVICE/device/driver ]; then
		LINK_TARGET=`readlink $DEVICE/device/driver | sed 's/.*\///'`

		if [ $LINK_TARGET == $1 ]; then

# add the interface name to the list
		    WIFI_IFNAMES=$WIFI_IFNAMES" "`echo -n $DEVICE | sed 's/.*\///'`

# Set all the adaptors using the supplied driver into the supplied
# power saving mode
# $1 - driver name
# $2 - power command
# $3 - power command arguments
function setWifiPwrSave {
    local DEVICE;
    findWifiIfsByDriver $1;

    for DEVICE in $WIFI_IFNAMES; do
#	echo "Would execute $2 $DEVICE $3"
	$2 $DEVICE $3

function intel3945_BatPwrSave {
    setWifiPwrSave "$I3945_DRIVERNAME" "$IWPRIV" "$SET_I3945_BAT_PARMS"

function intel3945_AcPwrSave {
    setWifiPwrSave "$I3945_DRIVERNAME" "$IWPRIV" "$SET_I3945_AC_PARMS"

function intel2200_BatPwrSave {
    setWifiPwrSave "$I2200_DRIVERNAME" "$IWCONFIG" "$SET_I2200_BAT_PARMS"

function intel2200_AcPwrSave {
    setWifiPwrSave "$I2200_DRIVERNAME" "$IWCONFIG" "$SET_I2200_AC_PARMS"

Then we will create 2 scripts. The first will run when the laptop is unplugged, the later when it runs on AC.

On battery:


sudo gedit /etc/laptop-mode/batt-start/

Then copy and paste this code into the editor, save and exit:



# source the helper script
. /etc/acpi/

# set Battery power saving

Make it executable:


sudo chmod +x /etc/laptop-mode/batt-start/

On AC:


sudo gedit /etc/laptop-mode/batt-stop/

Then copy and paste this code into the editor, save and exit:



# source the helper script
. /etc/acpi/

# set Battery power saving

Make it executable:


sudo chmod +x /etc/laptop-mode/batt-stop/

That’s it, you can give it a try by plugging and unplugging the AC and running iwconfig to verify that the Power management: on/off changes (this can take up to 15 seconds to change)
